Online food law resources for food businesses

Need help to understand the food law rules in the UK?

Our online service is designed to provide a single point of reference to food businesses through the use of short explanatory videos, detailed webinars and additional resources on relevant food law topics.

Resolve queries quickly and confidently with our practical and accessible "how-to" guidance on food law topics.

Regular live webinars, provided to subscribers at no extra cost, allow you to raise queries with our expert presenters. Food law update videos will keep you up to date with changes in food law and policy.

Why trust ABC food Law? For over 20 years we have been the main provider of food law CPD to UK local authorities. Click HERE to view a list of current local authority subscribers. 


A 12 month subscription costs just £250 + vat per person and provides access to our programme of scheduled live webinars, a range of traditional text-based online courses, video tutorials and our extensive library of "on-demand" webinars on food law and technology topics and much more...


During 2024 we broadcast over 30 live webinars on topics such as

  • Introduction to food fraud                                
  • Preventing food fraud
  • Detecting food fraud 
  • Investigating food fraud
  • Honey
  • Approved establishments
  • Food law update
  • Introduction to imported food
  • High risk foods not of animal origin
  • Food exports
  • Import and export of composite foods
  • Nutrition and health claims
  • Nutritional labelling
  • Microbiological criteria for foods
  • Food contaminants
  • Acrylamide in food
  • Probiotics in food

Live webinars currently scheduled for 2025 include:

  • Introduction to Food Standards - Three 1-hour webinars providing a review of key food standards legislation.
  • HACCP - Six, 1-hour webinars on the theory and practical application of HACCP principles
  • Mycotoxins in Food

Buy a subscription today


Consultancy support for food businesses

We offer a unique approach to consultancy services by providing our clients with the tools to meet their obligations under UK food law.

We only provide consultancy services to food businesses who hold at least one current subscription to our online service and do not provide such services to businesses facing enforcement action from UK food authorities.

Purchase a subscription to our online service HERE

Our advice

We aim to provide a written response to questions from our business subscribers within 3 working days. Such advice will include links to appropriate resources within our online service to help our clients to understand the issues.

Consultancy fees

We operate on a flat-fee basis and the prices quoted include any follow-up correspondence.

Our current consultancy rates are:

Written advice:                 £195 + vat

Food label review:            £195 + vat per label

Contact us for more information

Please note that we do not offer any reserved legal activities as defined in the Legal Services Act 2007 and we are not authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. We do not offer legal services to the food trade.


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Online Course Categories

These are the categories of online courses available, if you click on a category you can see the courses available for that subject and their modules.

To filter out those courses aimed at regulators please click here.

On Demand Webinars

These are the available recorded webinars, click on a category to see the current list of webinars in that group.

Forthcoming Live Webinars

If you have an ABC Food Law subscription you can register for these live webinars, as they are scheduled.

  • 2025 February
  • HACCP 2 - The Hazard Analysis Monday 10th (10:00 - 11:00)
  • HACCP 3 - CCPs and Critical Limits Monday 17th (10:00 - 11:00)
  • HACCP 4 - Monitoring and Corrective action Monday 24th (10:00 - 11:00)
  • 2025 March
  • HACCP 5 - Verification and Documentation Monday 3rd (10:00 - 11:00)
  • HACCP 6 - Enforcement Monday 10th (10:00 - 11:00)
  • Mycotoxins in Food Monday 17th (10:00 - 11:00)
  • Food contaminants sampling 1 Monday 24th (10:00 - 11:00)
  • Food contaminants sampling 2 Monday 31st (10:00 - 11:00)